Motor Warranty
Warranty Coverage: this warranty covers defects of materials and workmanship in “Products” sold, manufactured or repaired by eBike Motor Centre to the extent of repair or replacement or refund at eBike Motor Centre’s discretion.
“Product Owner” is defined as the original end user. In cases where the original purchaser is a reseller who just resold the Product, the Product Owner would be the first end user.
Coverage Period: the limited warranty period is 3 months for parts and labour. Warranty commences from the date of payment or purchase, for the motor service works, and or parts. Refurbished motors are warranted for a longer 6-month period, commencing from date of payment or purchase.
Who is Covered: this limited warranty extends to the Product Owner, which is the company, or entity that first purchased the Products directly from eBike Motor Centre or from an Authorised Reseller. The Product Owner has the option of contacting eBike Motor Centre directly for warranty service.
Motor Repair Warranty Service: please note, motor repairs that appear defective, often function perfectly upon receipt back at our workshop. For example, a motor may not work because of wiring or plug issues. Or it may seem like a motor is slipping or jumping, this often turns out to be a drive-train issue... a worn sprocket or chain. It may also be another failed component of the motor that eBike Motor Centre do not service or disassemble for a full inspection and diagnosis... for example, the Brose motor planetary gear assembly can fail, this is rare but it can happen, and it is not part of our normal service to remove or replace this component.
Contact us at eBike Motor Centre first, to see if the issue can be resolved without returning the motor or Product. This can save time and shipping costs. You can call 0452-339289 or 0414-391713, or email paul@familymoir.com and describe the problem, or best email a video recording. Proof of payment date may be required, then eBike Motor Centre will make a decision on whether:
* to send field replacement parts, or
* send an immediate exchange, or
* authorise you to return the Product to eBike Motor Centre for service.
Further Warranty Information
All Products covered by this warranty must be returned to eBike Motor Centre for repair and service at your expense. This includes any costs for removal of parts or motor and shipping and duty.
Returned Products covered under this limited warranty will be repaired or replaced, free of charge (provided the terms of the warranty are met), and returned to you at eBike Motor Centre’s expense, using the carrier
and method of our choice. Products not covered under this warranty will be repaired and returned to you at your expense upon receipt of full payment for such repairs and shipping. Products where defects cannot be discovered will be shipped back at your expense.
Limited Warranty Exclusions
any fitted printed circuit board (PCB) or electronics found within a motor that has suffered water ingress
any damage to any part or motor from water ingress following a repair by eBike Motor Centre
any abuse to any part or motor, that can be attributed to a significant pedal strike or mechanical impact
any genuine or original electronic control unit, unless supplied in a new motor or fitted by eBike Motor Centre
any bearing, sprag bearing or drive belt not fitted (and belt tensioned) by eBike Motor Centre
any damage caused by any drive belt not fitted or tensioned by eBike Motor Centre
consumable parts, such as batteries, grease, protective coatings that are designed to diminish over time, unless failure has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship
cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches and dents
damage caused by accident, abuse, or misuse
any motor or part that has been opened or worked on during its eBike Motor Centre warranty period
damage caused by service (including upgrades and expansions) performed by anyone other than a representative of eBike Motor Centre
an eBike Motor Centre Product that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission and acknowledgement of eBike Motor Centre
any eBike Motor Centre Product where the serial number, or warranty label, has been removed or defaced
shipping costs to eBike Motor Centre (including any duties or applicable fees) for your warranted Products
loss of business due to hardware or software malfunctions or failure of any Product to meet expectations unless such performance criteria be agreed on beforehand.
Any non‐eBike Motor Centre branded hardware Products or any software, even if packaged or sold with eBike Motor Centre hardware. Manufacturers, suppliers, or publishers, other than eBike Motor Centre, may provide their own warranties to you – please contact them for further information.
Other Limitations
This is eBike Motor Centre's complete warranty for the Products and states your exclusive remedies. This limited warranty is given in lieu of all other express warranties. Implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are given only if specifically required by applicable law. Otherwise, they are specifically excluded. No warranty is made that the software will meet your requirements or will work in combination with any hardware or applications software Products provided by third parties or that any/all defects in the software Products will be corrected.
In no event shall eBike Motor Centre be liable, whether in contract or tort (including negligence) for damages in excess of the purchase price of the Product, or for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages of any kind, or loss of revenue or profits, loss of business, loss of information or data, or other financial loss arising out of, or in connection with, the ability or inability to use the Products, to the full extent these damages may be disclaimed by law.